
Prop 114: Register ERC20 for yEVMOS: Liquid Staking Token

Disperze has developed a Liquid Staking solution for EVMOS network, the liquid token denomination is yEVMOS, currently it is an IBC token, and with this governance proposal it will be to enable its conversion to ERC20 and can be used in Defi dApps within Evmos network.

Note: Disperze is not included in the validator-set, delegations will be used to help decentralize the network. Validators outside the top 40 or <1M VP will be chosen.


Some additional benefits of our solution.

  • Native experience, Evmos users will not need to move to another network or change wallets.
  • Execution time is similar to a single IBC transfer.
  • Lower fees (currently: 0%, max: 10%)
  • Contracts are deployed in an existing network (Juno), more secure than launching a new network.


base: ibc/748375B5DD168C6C4DCBF54B3D54DCF20C2B41572C9603B1B9774419326A5A43
display: yevmos
name: yEVMOS by Disperze
symbol: yEVMOS