
Prop 85: IBC denom update for CANTO

A new Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) channel has been established between COMDEX<->CANTO.
The previous IBC channel client was expired and the process of updating it would have required several days.
Additionally, this channel had not been utilized and it was deemed safe to establish a new channel .
As a result, the IBC denomination of CANTO on comdex has changed. In accordance with established governance procedures,
a proposal has been raised to update the IBC denomination of CANTO in asset module from
ibc/E910718AB26DC0E05677D9B034CF23F17B5B468A464B0CB873A0BE65398DBFBD .

- By voting YES, you agree to add the asset as described in this proposal.
- By voting NO, you signal that asset should not be included described in the proposal.
- By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.
- By voting, NOWITHVETO expresses that you strongly disagree and would like to see depositors penalised by revocation of their proposal deposit and contribute towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.