DAO DAO is expanding and hopes to deploy on OmniFlix now that CosmWasm is supported! A DAO DAO deployment will allow for an explosion of community-organized content: think DAO record labels, artist curation, video production, and more.
With DAO DAO, OmniFlix projects and communities have immediate access to best-in-class DAO tooling without needing to build their own governance modules, smart contracts, UI, and more. Try it today: https://daodao.zone
Our mission is to build better, more flexible governance systems. Getting governance right is crucial to the success of decentralized communities, protocols, and entire blockchains, and DAO DAO makes it as easy as clicking a few buttons to experiment with and scale governance infrastructure.
Today, over $340M is managed by 5,133 DAO DAO DAOs across 9 chains (and growing). Our smart contracts and UI have been battle tested by 11,538 proposals encompassing 32,677 unique DAO members for over 2 years. Over $1M (and many, many hours) have been put into the necessary research and development, as well as the perfection of each feature, with a solid chunk devoted to numerous security audits.
The biggest features we aim to bring to OmniFlix:
And much more:
Our immediate roadmap include:
In addition to DAO DAO contracts, OmniFlix will receive Polytone to allow for accounts, smart contracts, or DAOs on OmniFlix to control accounts on other chains, and vice versa.
We are excited for the new possibilities that will be unlocked for developers and the wider OmniFlix community. For example, a smart contract (or DAO) on another CosmWasm chain can control an account on OmniFlix to publish and interact with media. OmniFlix teams can also use it to manage outposts across the Interchain. Moreover, Polytone includes an easy to use Interchain Queries implementation, allowing for smart contracts on other chains to reliably query information from OmniFlix.
DAO Contracts: https://github.com/DA0-DA0/dao-contracts
DAO DAO UI: https://github.com/DA0-DA0/dao-dao-ui
Polytone: https://github.com/DA0-DA0/polytone
DAO DAO’s NFT DAOs are currently configured to work with smart contract-based NFTs (CW721), supported by all other chains we’ve deployed on. OmniFlix on the other hand uses a custom SDK module: x/onft.
In order to support this, we will create a new DAO voting module, similar to our existing dao-voting-cw721-staked contract, in order to fully support the OmniFlix ecosystem.
This includes support for existing OmniFlix Hub NFTs to run DAOs, and especially media DAOs for collaborative curation, publishing & management of NFTs/assets. The roll out will be in phases and is mentioned in the next section.
In exchange for all this, we ask for a $FLIX grant worth $100,000, with 1/3 ($33,333) released up front, and 2/3 ($66,666) vested linearly over 9 months. At a price of 0.1606 USD/FLIX, this corresponds to 622,665 $FLIX in total, with 207,555 $FLIX released up front, and 415,110 $FLIX vested linearly over 9 months (starting at the time this proposal passes). The entirety of the funds will be sent from the community pool to the multisig described below, which will then be responsible for executing the aforementioned terms.
We plan to deploy both membership-based (multisig) DAOs and token-based DAOs immediately and begin the custom NFT work in parallel. We will release support for NFT DAOs as soon as the new contracts are ready.
Included in this service fee is the promise of future security and feature upgrades, as well as ongoing support. Each new deployment incurs significant ongoing support and maintenance costs. We aim to provide ongoing, high-quality support, which is built into our fees.
The recipient of the funds will be the 3-of-3 multisig omniflix1e2uzumx5vtfnh8w549mvnjxf264t8u7w63w8fn, comprised of an OmniFlix validator, OmniFlix core contributor, and DAO DAO core contributor:
- address: omniflix1e2uzumx5vtfnh8w549mvnjxf264t8u7w63w8fn
name: daodao-prop-ms
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey","threshold":3,"public_keys":[{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Ak4G5Z0bNRee2HL90CmUWGukc5L26PPt7/gQdS5w2AAE"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A6HySCXFkxhKNpSoWPBCAyB5bEVAFSh2XN7DHSXg92qF"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Ak/1FW8MAnmin0epQ8YUrtDacWiFic3QYyen5rJ0HbHk"}]}'
type: multi