
Prop 398: UPLOAD Discoverinj 404 Reroll

This proposal aims to bring the CW404 reroll functionality to complete the already passed contract for the CW404 launchpad (

This contract will make any CW404s able to handle reroll, by leveraging the basic functionality of the CW404 technology. The contract interaction with users is built in 2 messages:

1-The first message will accept the set amount of fees requested by the instantiator of the contract, and create a pending reroll request inside the contract. 2-The second message waits the NFT msg, which will be a CW404 NFTs and, upon request validated, will send back 1 CW404 Token, resulting in the burn of the incoming NFT and a mint of a brand new NFT. 3-There are also messages to retrieve the fees money, update the config of the contract and other useful queries to know the contract state.

Open Source repository: Proposal Discussion: