
Prop 4811: Whitelisting LUNA - USDT Liquidity Pool as an Alliance Asset (VOTE ON THIS PROPOSAL, IGNORE #4810)

IMPORTANT! THERE ARE TWO PROPOSALS. VOTE ON THIS ONE! ABSTAIN ON THE PREVIOUS ONE (#4810). The first one had an incorrect denom (the pool instead of the LP token). If that one passes, then we have to delete that alliance... Excuse me for the inconvenience. This proposal aims to whitelist a LUNA - USDT PCL pool as an Alliance Asset, enabling it to receive a small portion of LUNA inflation as incentives if you stake it to validators, similar to ampWhale, rSWTH and ampRoar. For full details, visit https://commonwealth.im/terra/discussion/17138-whitelisting-luna-usdt-liquidity-pool-as-an-alliance-asset-on-terra