
Prop 418: Update Shentu IBC Client on Osmosis

This proposal will update the expired client on channel-146 between the Osmosis-1 and Shentu-2.2. Client 07-tendermint-1741 has been expired due to the recent Shentu chain upgrade.

- By voting YES, the Osmosis stakers, voice their support to unfreeze IBC channel-146 between Osmosis-1 and Shentu-2.2.

- By voting NO, the Osmosis stakers voice their dissent to unfreeze IBC channel-146 between Osmosis-1 and Shentu-2.2.


In the case that this proposal goes through, client 07-tendermint-1741 state will be substituted by the state of client 07-tendermint-2603, what will unfreeze channel-146 and will allow users to transfer tokens between Osmosis and Shentu again.