
Prop 3612: TFM Grant Proposal

TFM builds first-in-class trading and analytics tooling to drive the growth of ecosystem wide liquidity consumption. Through a single interface we deliver a fast growing portfolio of integrated products foundational to Terra and ready to drive new growth through Feather partner integrations.

Having partnered with TFL to bring TFM-powered swaps to TerraStation, we look forward to increased collaboration with TFL across Terra and Feather partner chains.

This grant is to continue building: LP Management Terminal, NFT Aggregator, Limit order development, LSD/Refraction aggregation & Feather Integrations.

As part of this proposal, 15% of fees generated from not only Terra but also any Feather chain will be used to buy back LUNA and allocate back to the community pool.

Please visit for more details - https://agora.terra.money/discussion/7852-tfm-grant-proposal