
Prop 124: Fair and Equitable Distribution of Remaining Funds

The multisig created by Juno Proposal 14 (Juno1ycwk46k70msqqt8f2l0qr5yfucdxd3v7d4mu6y) currently holds 1,199,203.872500 Juno, originally intended to bootstrap the liquidity of Junoswap. However, Juno Proposal 61 discontinued the incentive program due to the need to preserve funds for incentivizing other DEX protocols.

Our proposal requests the allocation of 50% (599,601 Juno) of the remaining funds (1,199,203 Juno) from the multi-sig established by Juno Proposal 14. The funds will be distributed among the following dedicated pools:


The swapping fee in the incentivized pools generated from this proposal will be decreased to 0.5%, aligning with industry standards and ensuring competitive pricing to attract liquidity.

The incentive program will last 365 days and be divided into three equal portions for each pool.

By voting yes, 50% (599,601 Juno) of the remaining funds will be distributed in a fair and equitable manner among the rewards contracts of the 3 pools. By voting no, the funds will be kept in their current state.