
Prop 120: Setup Comdex IBC Auto-Forwarding

This proposal, if accepted, would establish the bech32 address prefix 'comdex' as an IBC Auto-Forwarding prefix for SendToCosmos transactions.Any SendToCosmos transactions whose CosmosReceiver field begins with 'comdex' would automatically be forwarded to Comdex over IBC channel channel-112.
Failed IBC transactions will result in tokens transferred to the equivalent address on the Gravity Bridge chain, requiring the user to import the same seed phrase on Gravity Bridge to rescue funds
When evaluating this proposal the community should be confident that channel-112 is the official channel leading to Comdex, and that 'Comdex' is the correct prefix for Comdex account addresses.

- By voting YES, you agree to allow IBC Auto-Forwarding as described in this proposal.
- By voting NO, you signal that IBC Auto-Forwarding should not be included described in the proposal.
- By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.
- By voting, NOWITHVETO expresses that you strongly disagree and would like to see depositors penalised by revocation of their proposal deposit and contribute towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.