
Prop 119: Add CMST Metadata to Gravity Bridge

This proposal connects the CMST token from Comdex to the Gravity Bridge. If accepted, it would establish metadata for the IBC denom ibc/777F6D8AF8AAF61F7BE7471762938C99A90BA0D87E087D1899DF3A0623ABDC0D. This metadata would then be usable to deploy an ERC20 representation on Ethereum for the CMST token.


  • By voting YES, you agree to add the asset as described in this proposal.
  • By voting NO, you signal that asset should not be included described in the proposal.
  • By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.
  • By voting, NOWITHVETO expresses that you strongly disagree and would like to see depositors penalised by revocation of their proposal deposit and contribute towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.