
Prop 768: Migrate Persistence LiquidStakeRate Contract

Passing this proposal will upload and migrate the Persistence LiquidStakeRate contract on the Osmosis chain.

## Summary

After the deployment, we received feedback highlighting the necessity for the contract to support the inverse of the value exchange rate (c-value) as redemption rate instead. In response, we've implemented changes in the contract to facilitate queries for both the exchange rate and redemption rate.

Forum discussion: https://forum.osmosis.zone/t/upload-persistence-liquidstakerate-contract-and-osmosis-pool-ratesync-contract-for-redemption-rates/2544

## Contract information for LiquidStakeRate Contract

Code repository: Github - https://github.com/persistenceOne/ratesync-contracts

Commit hash: 7a4283beddd295eb9d06fefcbdad5c550cfa64ab

Compiler version: cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0

Checksum: d236b94e91966ce710df5c0129b1352eb2d3404c30726fe936e255cb95fe1fe7