
Prop 4592: Cavern Protocol Audit

We are proposing to spend 93k$ for auditing the Cavern Protocol platform. We are asking a little more Luna (ratio of 1.94 $/Luna as we write the proposal) to account for Luna price volatility. This amount covers the price of the audit if Luna stays above 1.7$/Luna (-12%). All funds above the 93k$ price mark will be refunded to the Community pool as soon as the audit has been paid in full. Those funds will NEVER go to any of the personal or professional wallets of those people/organizations. They will ONLY be used to pay for the platform audit. The destination is a multisig controlled by the most of the Cavern Protocol Governance team :

  • Sergio from Hermes Protocol
  • Rebel Defi (TFM, Orbital Command)
  • Vini from SCV
  • Cavern Person from Cavern Protocol

More info and discussion : https://agora.terra.money/discussion/9591-cavern-protocol-audit-proposal