
Prop 345: Migration control plan of 3 million Juno in Osmosis stJUNO/JUNO POL

Summary Migrate control of 3 million Juno in the Osmosis stJuno/Juno POL multisig to a new subdao within the Juno Charter’s Operations department once the expiry date is reached.

Rationale Part of this agreement when proposal #313 passed was as follows:

  1. Liquid stake 1M JUNO with Stride protocol, resulting in a certain amount of stJUNO.
  2. Provide the remaining 1M JUNO along with the full stJUNO amount to the JUNO/stJUNO (# 817) liquidity pool on Osmosis.
  3. Leave the liquidity in the pool, and do nothing else with it.
  4. The term for the 1M JUNO from prop 294 and the 2M JUNO from this current proposal is one year, ending on September 1st, 2024. If Juno governance does not pass a signaling proposal extending this term, then multisig signers will begin the process of returning the full 3M JUNO liquidity position on that date.
  5. If Juno governance passes any signaling proposal at any time containing instructions for the multisig regarding the combined 3M JUNO liquidity position, then promptly follow those instructions.

With the recent development of the Juno Charter and the newly formed multisig group formed within the Operations Department, proactively preparing the migration of control for these assets to a designated subdao under the operations department would streamline the process and minimize any potential delays once the expiry date is reached.

Current Multisig Members Responsible for Execution


Brandon (Umee)

John (Stride)



For transparency, all operations performed by the multisig members can be tracked here using this address: juno15y8mzyzyksw2wzfcv5d67j5pzxzwj0n00agt5kk08mqwykqamheqgvsd9l

Voting Options

Vote YES if you are in favor of migrating control of the liquidity.

Vote NO if you oppose migrating control of the liquidity.

Vote ABSTAIN if you have no preference on this matter.

Vote VETO if you believe this proposal to be inappropriate or detrimental to the community.

We appreciate your participation and thoughtful consideration of this proposal.