
Prop 4591: Hermes Protocol | Community Grant for public goods development

View all details here: https://v2.terra-grant.hermesprotocol.io/ Agora forum post: https://agora.terra.money/discussion/9583-hermes-protocol-revised-community-grant-proposal

We are proposing to use 80k Luna ($160k), split into two development deliverables that will be used for the development of public goods features which will enable the free use (forever, just on Terra) of multiple innovative communication solutions which will significantly boost the UX and also DX of Terra users and its developers and entrepreneurs.

The multi-sig listed as the recipient (terra1vpr...6ms5) is not held by the Hermes Protocol team and is instead controlled by several trusted community members, as listed on the proposal. If the deliverables are met and verified successfully, the "final destination" multi-sig is the founders' multi-sig: terra12kjlvfagdg95t4glqgvrxzfy4yjlexq09xg6kdpzrxhqn8a5629su2k0pc