Passing this proposal will upload the Persistence LiquidStakeRate Contract to the Osmosis chain
## Summary
This proposal aims to upload the Persistence LiquidStakeRate Contract on the Osmosis chain to ensure trustless handling of scaling factors for stkToken Stableswap pools and enhance the reliability of stkToken price oracles when integrated with platforms like Levana or Mars protocol within the Osmosis ecosystem.
## Details
Persistence's liquid staking mechanism operates through stkTokens, representing staked tokens managed by the Persistence Core-1 chain. Users can redeem their stkTokens for a corresponding amount of the underlying token at any given time based on the stkATOM redemption rate. This redemption rate, often referred to as the c-value, liquid-stake-rate or exchange rate, signifies the ratio at which a single stkToken can be exchanged for its underlying token. For instance, on the Persistence chain, 1 stkATOM may be redeemed for 1.24 ATOMs, indicating a redemption rate of 1.24 for stkATOM.
The LiquidStakeRate Contract leverages the Persistence LiquidStakeRate Module and ICA to relay redemption rates for Persistence's stkTokens onto the Osmosis chain, ensuring decentralized dissemination of this critical information.
Forum discussion:
Contract information for LiquidStakeRate Contract
Code repository: Github -
Commit hash: 93a9ca2529542654e8f2799a347083499095151f
Compiler version: cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0
Checksum: 33d4183a9bc09e59274e83b9c9f3e8c2b58c0fdcda7e0974e375721597d6f337