
Prop 411: Upload SwapRouter Contract

Passing this proposal will upload the SwapRouter contract to the Osmosis chain.

## Details
The SwapRouter contract serves as a way to define, on-chain, routes that swaps from one asset to another will take.

This is important as there may exist multiple pools that are available for each potential swap with differing:
* Fees (including Multihop discount routes)
* Curves (e.g. Balancer vs StableSwap)
* Liquidity depths (Two deeper pools vs one shallow pool)
* Liquidity types (AMM vs Concentrated Liquidity)

The contract has an owner that can update default routes which is initially set to governance. However, the contract can be freely instantiated and routes may then be set on each copy for third party usage.

This proposal will upload the SwapRouter contract to the Osmosis platform. This will allow the contract to be instantiated and begin performing its intended functions.

## Git Commit ID

## Version of Compiler used

## Checksum

Commonwealth Thread: https://commonwealth.im/osmosis/discussion/9419-proposal-upload-swaprouter-contract