
Prop 410: AVAX Bootstrapping liquidity incentives

This proposal would add OSMO incentives directly to the OSMO/(w)AVAX pool (#899) consisting of 0.5% of liquidity incentives and maintain this for a period of 4 routine incentive proposals.

## Details
The normal signalling proposal to allocate incentives would go into effect at the next routine incentives proposal providing some incentives on the 5th February 2023. This proposal would provide initial incentives on the 31st January by actioning the following:
* Directly allocating 0.5% of incentives to the OSMO/(w)AVAX pool (#899)
* Set Minimum incentives for the OSMO/(w)AVAX (#899) pool of 0.5% for 4 routine proposals to retain this level of liquidity incentives while liquidity is built.

Bootstrapping incentives indicate that Osmosis stakers wish to quickly establish functional liquidity of AVAX to facilitate trading and liquidity flow between Avalanche and Osmosis via the Axelar bridge.

## About AVAX
AVAX is the native token of the Avalanche platform and is used to secure the network through staking, pay for fees, and provide a basic unit of account between the multiple subnetworks created on the Avalanche platform. wAVAX is the wrapped version of AVAX that enables use on the Avalanche network.
Website: https://www.avax.network/

Commonwealth Thread: https://commonwealth.im/osmosis/discussion/9547-onboarding-of-new-major-token-pool-avax