
Prop 381: Upload ICNS Contracts: Name-nft Contract, Part 1

By voting YES on this proposal, you will signal that you approve of uploading the NameNFT contract of Interchain Name Service (ICNS) to Osmosis chain.
By voting NO on this proposal, you will signal that you disapprove of uploading the contract to Osmosis chain in its current form.
## Details
ICNS aims to provide a fair, readily adoptable naming protocol for any chain connected with IBC. It is chain-agnostic, supporting all Cosmos SDK-based and IBC-enabled chains that have registered their bech32 prefixes on the SLIP-173 repo.

The ICNS protocol will be implemented by three different contracts: NameNFT, Resolver, and Registrar. As users will be able to claim their ICNS names by verifying their Twitter handles in its bootstrapping phase, these contracts will be in charge of verifying Twitter OAuth, minting NFT for the given user name, and keeping the list of addresses for each bech32 prefix.

All name resolutions will take place on the Osmosis blockchain initially, but it is expected that ICNS will switch to using an outpost model that allows each chain’s name resolution to happen locally by deploying address resolution contracts on other CosmWasm-enabled blockchains.

Please also note that there will be a multisig admin account(s) that is collectively owned by the initial committee of builders including Chainapsis, Cosmostation, Commonwealth, and Skiff, and it will be in charge of managing the three contracts of ICNS and adding/removing operators of Twitter OAuth verification.

This proposal would approve the deployment of NameNFT Contract, which is in charge of minting the NFT for the given user name and managing the ownership of the NFT. The admin account(s) will also be managed by this contract.
More details can be found here:
1) Github: https://github.com/interchain-name/icns
2) Official Announcement: https://medium.com/@icns/announcing-icns-the-interchain-name-service-e61e0c3e2abb
3) Long Form Proposal (Commonwealth): https://gov.osmosis.zone/discussion/8372-upload-interchain-nameservice-smart-contracts

Sha256 Checksum using cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.12.10 for the ICNS Name Nft contract is: 99098847a3403ed99f7781f45c9d2a15a4fbf77eca58a451ed76bb2961905bd2

Commit hash used for compiling binary for contracts is efdae05456b3e400c97711f608ede67a9a75098c