Cosmos Coin Flip is a coinflip game for Cosmos IBC enabled tokens, initially launched April 2023 over 1 Million tokens have been flipped since instantiated. We are pleased to introduce Cosmos Coin Flip v2, which is a wholesale update to increase functionality, attract larger flipping volume and grow the user base.
The following updates are included in the new contract: Expand flipping to multiple denominations. (Starting with & , with options for additional expansion in the future) Increase max bet size. Add 'streaks' functionality allowing users to win NFT or prizes.
Please review and consider the necessary information below.
Github Repo for review: Code diff from previous version: Website: Twitter: Discord:
Source code:
docker run --rm -v "/home/yan/Projects/cosmos-coin-flip/ccf-public/devtools":/code --mount type=volume,source="devtools_cache",target=/target --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0
Or clone the repo and run: " ./devtools/ "
This results in the following SHA256 checksum:
starsd q gov proposal --output json
| jq -r '.content.wasm_byte_code'
| base64 -d
| gzip -dc
| sha256sum
sha256sum artifacts/coin_flip.wasm