
Prop 246: generative NFT SG721 v0.2.0 generative NFT SG721 v0.2.0
### SG721 Update v0.2.0

Current app:
Next version:

Current code:
New code:


### Changes:
* Dutch auction support. Unsure of how to price your NFT? Use dutch auctions! Creators set a start and end auction time as well as a start and resting price. The price will dynamically decrease towards the resting price over the duration of the auction. Creators have maximum flexibility on the auction. The price can decline every N seconds (chosen by the creator) and the decline rate is also configurable.
* Change price structure anytime. Creators can change from fixed price to dutch auction and vice versa anytime.
* Fee changes-- Remove all community fees. Increased public works fee to 4% of mint price. Removed creation fee. Increase airdrop fee to 50 stars.
* Multiple mints per transactions. The previous version restricted mints to 1 per transaction. Now collectors can mint as many as they want in a single transaction.

### Compile instructions:
* Checkout tag v0.2.0-imago

<br />docker run --rm -v \$(pwd)\:/code \\<br />\t--mount type=volume,source=\$(basename \$(pwd)\)_cache\,target=/code/target \\<br />\t--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \\<br /> --env RUST_BACKTRACE=1 \\<br />\tcosmwasm/workspace-optimizer-arm64:0.12.11<br />

This results in the following SHA256 checksum:
<br />07388c80b852d1589b149f6eb85c37628aff694be41a301a8f289f680607b7a0 sg721_imago-aarch64.wasm<br />

### Verify on chain
<br />starsd q gov proposal $id --output json \\ | jq -r '.content.wasm_byte_code' \\ | base64 -d \\ | gzip -dc \\ | sha256sum <br />

### Verify Local Contract
<br />sha256sum artifacts/sg721_imago-aarch64.wasm<br />