
Prop 12: Stride v5 Draco Release

This is a proposal to upgrade the chain to v5.0.0 tag (“Draco” Release) of the Stride codebase at block height 2,091,902 which is estimated to occur on Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 14 UTC. Because of the uncertainty in block times, please keep track of the Stride chain for a precise estimate.

Upgrade Features

- Fixes state sync and pruning for validator nodes

- Removes authz, to be added back in a subsequent upgrade

- Upgrade to Cosmos SDK v0.46.7 and ibc-go v5.1.0

- Informal Systems audit fixes

- Minor refactoring / cleanup

- Dependency bumps

Getting Prepared for the Upgrade

As always, we recommend validators utilize 64GB of RAM. It is possible to get away with less, but still not recommended. If you are unable to have 64GB of RAM, at a minimum have a total of 64GB of swap set to prevent out of memory errors.

We highly recommend upgrading with Cosmovisor. To do this, please manually build and copy the strided binary to /cosmovisor/upgrades/v5/bin/.

Details of Upgrade Time

The proposal targets the upgrade proposal block to be 2,091,902, anticipated to be on Thursday, January 26th 2023 at 14 UTC. Because blocks can occur at irregular intervals, please keep an eye on the Stride chain for a precise upgrade time.

In case anything concerning happens at upgrade time, we will notify all validators immediately on the #validator-announcements channel on Discord.
