Oracle market data price feeders are an essential part of the Nolus core architecture which uses its own Oracle system. Each price feeding service is an independent lightweight off-chain component that retrieves prices from configured price providers for a set of denomination pairs. With the latest Astroport integration on Neutron, there are now two providers from which the Oracle system of Nolus can retrieve prices - Osmosis and Neutron. The price feeders utilize a variant of the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) algorithm for the price calculation of any given cryptocurrency pair. Through the use of this algorithm, one can put additional weights on more recently observed prices for a given period. To read more about the role of the price feeders in Nolus, have a look at the documentation.
By voting YES on this proposal, you agree to whitelist the first price feeder for the Astroport Oracle smart contract. Each service is located in a different geolocation and is configured to push a price every 60 seconds.
Each price feeding service is built from the oracle-price-feeder repository. You can find the configuration for a feeder running on mainnet here.