
Prop 108: Extend Osmosis Pool Incentives

Extending the ATOM/STARS Pool Incentives on Osmosis

The Stargaze core team proposes to allocate 1,250,000 STARS for the STARS/ATOM pool on Osmosis to be paid for by the Stargaze community pool.

  • 1,250,000 STARS will be allocated to the ATOM/STARS over 60 days

This is done to ensure the depth of the STARS liquidity pools on Osmosis.

This proposal, if passed, would distribute the requested LP amount to the same multi-sig account as Prop #1, #23, and #56, which will deploy the funds to the above-mentioned pools on Feb 2nd, 2023, when the current STARS incentives expire.

These incentives will go live on Feb 2nd, 2023.

The ATOM/STARS external incentives are extended 60 days to give Stargaze time to launch and test the new AMM that will host the ATOM/STARS on Stargaze itself.

Extending the incentives for the STARS/OSMO pool will be made as a separate proposal once they are close to expiring.

The Multisig

  • James Parillo, Figment
  • Shane Vitarana, Stargaze
  • Jeonghwan, Cosmostation


By voting Yes you agree to spend the Community Pool funds.

By voting No you reject spending Community Pool funds.