
Prop 207: Proposal for the Annual Inflation Reduction of $CMDX Token by 25% - Year 2

Overview: As per the predefined tokenomics of $CMDX, we approached the second year of the Comdex mainnet, and it is time to enact the scheduled inflation rate reduction. This proposal outlines the necessary adjustments to the inflation parameters for the upcoming year./n Background: In the first year following the mainnet launch in 2021-11-20, the $CMDX token had an inflation rate of 30%. In line with our tokenomics, this rate was reduced to 22.5% on 2022-11-20. As we continue to adhere to our planned economic model, a further reduction is proposed for the upcoming year./nForum discussion link for inflation reduction for Year 1:/n /nProposal for Inflation Reduction:/n/n1. Current Inflation Rate: 22.5%/n/n2. Proposed Inflation Rate for the Upcoming Year: Following the tokenomics model, we propose a 25% reduction from the current rate. The new rate for the upcoming year will be 16.875% (22.5% reduced by 25%)./nTechnical Adjustments:/n- “inflation_max”: “0.202500000000000000”/n- “inflation_min”: “0.168750000000000000”/n/nRationale: This structured reduction in inflation rate is designed to maintain a healthy economic balance, encourage long-term holding, and gradually decrease the rate of new $CMDX token introduction into the market, potentially increasing its scarcity and value over time./n/nConclusion: This proposal aligns with our commitment to a sustainable and community-driven economic model for $CMDX. We look forward to active participation from our community in this important decision-making process. For a comprehensive understanding, please refer to the $CMDX tokenomics document available at [].