
Prop 106: Update Collection Creation Fee

As discussed here:

This proposal seeks to increase the collection creation fee to 3,000 STARS.


-To reduce spam collections. By increasing the collection creation cost, if the goal of the spam collections is to make a profit, an increase will greatly reduce the frequency of spam collections created as the barrier to making a profit is significantly increased. If the intent of spam collections is for another reason, an increase still causes a higher expense for spammers to create these collections and hopefully reduces this behavior. -Reducing spam collections will benefit the ecosystem and marketplace. Less money moving into spam collections means that real collections will have greater visibility and it will be more likely for legitimate projects to see interest. -It will help make the front end (Stargaze website) easier to navigate and find collections users would be interested in by removing this extra bloat. -It will help user and creator retention. Fewer users will be scammed as fewer of these collections are created which helps avoid negative experiences while using the marketplace. Overall, having fewer of these spam collections will have a positive impact on the perception and presentation of Stargaze as a whole.

Vote Yes: To support a collection creation fee of 3,000 STARS

Vote No: To support the current collection creation fee of 1,000 STARS