
Prop 194: Trade and Earn rewards allocation

This proposal defines the rewards allocation of Trade & Earn from epoch 58 to epoch 60, which ends on 4 January 2023 (UTC)
The Trade & Earn rewards program was approved by the Injective community to help support the trading volume of Injective and the growth of the exchange dApps built on Injective. As approved in proposal 147, the Trade & Earn rewards were extended until epoch 56 (ends on 14 December 2022). Proposal 190 was previously approved for epochs 57 to 60. However, despite it being approved, the chain failed to register the rewards to the correct schedule. This can be verified by referring to the LCD endpoint: As a result, two proposals will be submitted. This proposal handles the epochs 58 to 60. Another proposal will be submitted to handle epoch 57.
This proposal, if approved, will add Trade & Earn rewards for epoch 58, 59 and 60. The following is the breakdown of the rewards:
- Epoch 58 - 10,489 INJ
- Epoch 59 - 10,437 INJ
- Epoch 60 - 10,386 INJ