
Prop 193: Trade & Earn rewards points adjustment for epoch ended Dec 7, 2022 (UTC)

The proposal will help to adjust Trade & Earn points for specific addresses interacting with exchange dApps built on Injective. Specifically, it will set points to zero for addresses that appeared to have traded in a suspicious way for purposes of manipulating the Trade & Earn rewards program.
The Trade & Earn rewards program was approved by the Injective community to help support the growth of the exchange dApps built on Injective. Since the release of the Program, the community has identified some wallet addresses that have been entering into, or purporting to enter into, transactions that give the appearance that purchases and sales have been made, without incurring market risk or changing the user’s market position, in an attempt to unfairly eke out Program rewards (“Wash Trading”). This behavior detracts from the purpose of the Program, harms the community, and should not be encouraged.
The following addresses' Trade & Earn rewards points will be adjusted to zero:
1. inj1xp35hx306jlx8dt3a54n4qzxkg5aen3fzj4vfj
This address traded with itself 7 times (75% of its total trading volume this week) in the BTC/USDT PERP market. If this proposal does not pass, this address stands to receive 140 INJ.
2. inj19al7lkddepvx9yh76u98fp326ewmct7jnvacdn
This address traded with itself 50 times and 581 times with its related addresses (70% of its total trading volume this week) in the ETH/USDT PERP market. If this proposal does not pass, this address stands to receive 975 INJ.
3. inj1drvh6u2gqfs9uhwzhrtj4r8mfc6jythhqyjc9cThis address traded with itself 56 times and 363 times with its related addresses (62% of its total trading volume this week) in the BTC/USDT PERP market. If this proposal does not pass, this address stands to receive 823 INJ.