
Prop 9: v3.0.0

This is a signalling proposal for the Jackal Protocol v3.0.0 software upgrade.

## Summary
This protocol upgrade aims to bolster network security and minimize bandwidth usage, as elaborated on in a blog post regarding Consensus Spheres. The proposal also integrates a Social Consensus model to deter bad actors from monopolizing storage deals, penalizing them for downtime. It further requires new providers to pledge collateral before initiating a new provider, discouraging the proliferation of smaller machines over larger ones. This upgrade marks the first phase of a two-step process designed to enhance storage provider stability. More information is available on the Discord server's storage-provider channel Join the JACKAL Discord Server.

### Providers
A provider upgrade is needed (v1.1.x), if you are a provider unsure of how to upgrade to the new version, please join the Jackal discord. This upgrade should be applied shortly after the upgrade to keep the providers in sync.

## Changelog
- Upgraded IBC-Go from v3 to v4
- Fixed a bug where files mapped to contracts wouldn't be de-linked upon deletion
- Created new API routes to give providers and users more storage-space information
- Added Consensus-Sphere Storage proof system
- Fixed provider cost structure to incentive claiming strays
- Implemented social consensus for storage providers as a means for the storage network to self-regulate and enforce consequences upon malicious storage providers.

Full changelog here: https://github.com/JackalLabs/canine-chain/releases/tag/v3.0.0

## The Proposal
A 'Yes' vote signals your endorsement of the proposal and the desired upgrade. A 'No' vote communicates your disagreement with the proposal. Opting for 'No-With-Veto' not only shows your dissent but also suggests the proposal could harm the network, calling for the forfeiture of the proposer's deposit.
