
Prop 9: [Chain upgrade] Proposal to add new modules

[Chain upgrade] Proposal to add new modules
Authors: Quasar

# Summary
Dear Quasar Community,
The Quasar team is proposing a software upgrade (version v1) to introduce three new modules: qVesting, Token Factory, and Authz to the Quasar chain, aiming to enhance our chain's functionality and cater to evolving use cases in the Quasar chain.

Link to the commonwealth forum proposal

## Specifications
New on-chain modules include:

- qVesting Module:
Introduces creation of continuous vesting accounts in the running chain with cliff periods, allowing gradual release of locked assets. The existing vesting methods in the cosmos-sdk 0.45.x do not support creating a continuous vesting account with cliff period by specifying start time on the running chain.
- Token Factory Module:
Enables native denom creation on the Quasar chain. Empowers projects to issue customizable tokens, fostering a diverse and dynamic token economy using smart contracts.
- Authz Module Integration:
Enhances security and permission management. Provides granular control over user actions, enabling secure decentralized applications. The Authz module offers a flexible and efficient authorization system, granting developers greater control over user permissions and actions on the network.

## Benefits of the Upgrade
Improved token economic model for custom on-chain smart contracts.
Increased adoption and community empowerment.

## Halborn Audit
To further enhance the security and reliability of this upgrade, we have engaged the acclaimed blockchain security firm, Halborn, to conduct a comprehensive audit of the v1 software. This additional layer of scrutiny ensures that we are adhering to best practices and identifying potential vulnerabilities before the upgrade is deployed.

## Community Input
We recognize that our community's input and feedback are vital to the success of this upgrade. We encourage all community members to participate in the surrounding discussion and provide relevant feedback actively.

This proposed Quasar v1 upgrade represents a significant step forward for Quasar. By integrating the qVesting, Token Factory, and Authz modules, we are confident that we will foster a more vibrant, secure, and inclusive ecosystem. We value your engagement and support in this journey.

## Voting
- By voting YES, you agree to upgrade the chain to v1.
- By voting NO, you disagree to upgrade the chain to v1.
- By voting ABSTAIN, you express no opinion on the matter.
- A NoWithVeto vote indicates a proposal either (1) is deemed to be spam, i.e., irrelevant to Quasar, (2) disproportionately infringes on minority interests, or (3) violates or encourages violation of the rules of engagement as currently set out by Quasar governance
