
Prop 108: Gravity Bridge to go Carbon Neutral


  • Make Gravity Bridge Carbon Neutral by Purchasing and Retiring Verified Carbon Credits managed within the Cosmos Ecosystem
  • Voting YES to this proposal will transfer 5,017,500 GRAV to multisig wallet gravity1dklgd55t7dr5pw5d0qky7vc8g72plel0kez2ff for the execution of purchasing Nature Carbon Ton ($NCT) to offset all Carbon Emissions since the operation of Gravity Bridge began
  • Voting NO to this proposal indicates that this funding should not be allocated.


  • In the worse case scenario, with its 223 validators, Gravity Bridge emitted 5575 metric tons CO2/year of carbon in 2022 and a total of 8362.5 metric tons CO2/year since operation began.
  • The price for NCT on Osmosis should range from $3-4 each.
  • Gravity Bridge will purchase at a price target of $3.00 to offset the worse case scenario and become carbon negative, the cost would be a maximum of 8362.5 x $3.00 = $25,087.50
  • At current price of $0.005 the amount is 5,017,500 GRAV (about 0.5% of Community Pool)
  • All funds not used will be returned to the funding pool. Gravity Bridge will not spend over the maximum amount.

2/3 Multisig wallet comprised of community members / validators:

  • Dan | Qwoyn Studios
  • Luisqa | Zenith Station
  • alphaβiota | LOA Labs


  • Gravity Bridge is positioning itself as a Public Goods service, a reliable, responsible utility, safe, secure and open to use. Its use aligns with the broader goals of financial independence and sustainable growth on our planet.
  • Offsetting carbon emissions can help to enhance the reputation and credibility of Gravity Bridge in the eyes of consumers and stakeholders. In an increasingly environmentally-conscious society, many people are looking for companies that are taking concrete steps to reduce their carbon footprint and protect the planet.
  • By offsetting emissions, Gravity Bridge can demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and differentiate itself from competitors that are not taking similar action.
  • Offsetting emissions through the purchase of carbon credits can also be a financially beneficial move for PoS blockchains. While there may be upfront costs associated with purchasing carbon credits, the long-term benefits of increased customer loyalty, and marketing campaigns designed around environmental action and Gravity Bridge as a solution, can outweigh these initial costs.
  • Additionally, as governments and consumers continue to place a greater emphasis on sustainability, companies that are proactive in addressing their environmental impact may be well positioned to benefit from the growing demand for eco-friendly products and services.
  • If approved, Gravity Bridge will join other Cosmos protocols such as Regen Network, Stargaze, ixo, and Osmosis who have become carbon neutral via the CosmosZERO campaign.

Original Commonwealth post: