
Prop 160: Incentivizing of SILK/CMST pool on Shadeswap

This is an on-chain proposal to incentivize the SILK/CMST pool on Shadeswap and extending the rewards program! The allocated rewards for this pool will be 30k Harbor/ day for the next 30 days. These rewards will be provided from the strategic partnership allocation of the tokenomics.
After considering the market conditions, liquidity in the pool and certain other factors, the team has decided to slightly adjust and lower the rewards . The total amount of Harbor tokens that will be distributed will be 900k for the next 30 days. Users can continue to provide liquidity on the SILK/CMST pool to earn these rewards.
- By voting YES, you agree that incentives should be allocated in the following manner as described in this proposal.
- By voting NO, you signal that incentives should not be distributed as described in the proposal.
- By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.
- By voting, NOWITHVETO expresses that you strongly disagree and would like to see depositors penalised by revocation of their proposal deposit and contribute towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.