
Prop 12: OmniFlix Hub Upgrade v0.11.0 Proposal


This governance proposal is presented for your consideration.

These are updates to the OmniFlix Hub modules where the core binary version is being updated from v0.10.x to v0.11.0.

This release is anticipated to better enhance the performance and capabilities of the network updating older modules and introducing new modules.

Upgrade name


Upgrade height


Upgrade details

Proposed upgrade details are as follows:

Dependency bumps

  1. Cosmos SDK: The Cosmos SDK version will be updated from v0.45.15 to v0.45.16, which includes a bug fix for feegrants.

  2. IBC: The IBC module’s version will be upgraded from v3.4.0 to 4.4.2, enabling the support of the latest IBC protocols and including the huckleberry batch for the IBC module.

  3. CometBFT: The CometBFT module will be updated from v0.34.27 to v0.34.28.

Updates to current modules on OmniFlix Hub

  1. onft: The onft module will be updated from version v0.5 to 0.6, which includes updates for events that provide additional functionality and flexibility to developers, benefiting creators and their communities.

  2. marketplace: The marketplace module will be updated from v0.4.1 to v0.6.0. This update aims to modify bid processing functionality for a better auction experience for creators and collectors. It also adds a new parameter,maximum auction duration, to restrict the creation of auctions with ultra-long durations.

New Modules

  1. itc

    • itc, or Interact-to-Claim, is a module for creators and communities to create campaigns.
    • Campaigns take the input of an NFT from an eligible collection and process a claim after aninteraction, which can be one of Burn, Transfer, or Verify.
    • Participants that interact and claim receive rewards that are either NFTs or fungible tokens or both.
    • The Interact to Claim module allows for engaging community members using fungible tokens or NFTs and fosters collaborations among various creators and their communities.
  2. streampay

    • StreamPay is a programmable protocol for creating payment streams where one account transfers tokens to another account in a time-based format. This transfer in a time-based format supports 3 types of Payment Streams:
      • Continuous: The claim is always active as tokens get streamed every second.
      • Periodic: The claim is active when there are tokens to claim and can be periodic in nature, i.e., tokens are streamed every hour, day, or even weeks.
      • Delayed: Tokens are streamed at the end of a specific time, similar to a scheduled transfer of tokens.

Upgrade instructions

Upgrade guide:

Release tag:


The opinion of the community is highly valued. All stakeholders are invited to vote on this proposal. The voting options are as follows:

  • Yes: Agreement with the proposed updates and a desire for their implementation.
  • No: Disagreement with the proposed updates and a preference against their implementation.
  • Abstain: A choice not to vote on the proposal.
  • NoWithVeto: A strong disagreement with the proposed updates and a desire to veto them.

All stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the voting process. Each vote matters and will help shape the future of the OmniFlix Hub.

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