
Prop 172: Stargaze v10 upgrade

Stargaze v10 Upgrade

New Modules:
- x/cron
- x/globalfee

This upgrade includes version updates to CosmWasm, ibc-go and the sdk.
- SDK v0.45.16
- ibc-go 4.4.2
- Wasmd v0.31.0
- Tendermint v0.34.27 (Comet Fork)

### Cron Module
The cron module allows smart contracts to receive begin and end blocker callbacks through sudo messages, enhancing functionality. However, this requires extra permissions from governance and on a case-by-case basis since this a privileged access that should only be given to a small set of smart contracts .

### Global Fee Module
The global fee module has some similarities to Cosmos Hub module, with some additional configurations that allow specific smart contracts to keep utilizing zero gas, these configuratios are mantained by governance and an allowed list of addresses. Why is zero gas still important? Minting and Trading utilize Fair Burn mechanics, where the cost of storage and minting is covered by fees paid through these methods. For example, creating a collection has a fee of 3,000 STARS, listing 0.5 STARS, additionally 5% fee for mints and 2% trading fees.

The upgrade comes with a min-gas-price of 1ustars (micro STARS), and here are some values for reference:
- 1ustars = 0.000001 STARS
- 1ustars ~= 0.0014uatom = 0.0000000014 ATOM
- 1ustars ~= 0.025uosmo = 0.000000025 OSMO

Why are fees essential for the remaining activity? Stargaze is evolving to support different products and protocols that don't necessarily use Fair Burn or built-in fee mechanics. To prevent attacks on the network is essential to introduce fees to remaining network activity.

## Important Upgrade Notes
It's important that before running the v10 binary the wasm cache must be cleared.

# Details of upgrade time
This proposal suggests block #8576398 for the upgrade, which is estimated to be at Thursday 8th June 17:30 UTC, using avg block time of 5.87 secs
When the network reaches the halt height, the state machine of the blockchain will be halted. Cosmovisor, if configured properly, will then switch the binary used for v10.0.0, and then the chain will continue to make progress.
In the event of an issue at upgrade time, we will coordinate via the #verified-validators channel in Discord.
Upgrade Instructions
