
Prop 798: v10

v10 Software Upgrade\r
## Summary\r
This on-chain upgrade governance proposal is to adopt Gaia v10.0.0. By voting YES to this proposal, you approve of adding these updates to the Cosmos Hub.\r
The forum post discussing this upgrade can be found here.\r
#### Background\r
Since the last v9-Lambda upgrade at height 14470501 there have been a number of updates, fixes and new modules added to Gaia.\r
- Meta Issue #2498 Bump multiple dependencies:\r
- Bump Cosmos SDK to v0.45.16-ics. See the v0.45.16 release notes for details.\r
- Bump IBC GO to v4.4.0.\r
- Bump CometBFT to v0.34.28.\r
- Bump Golang prerequisite from 1.18 to 1.20. See ( for details.\r
#### Testnet\r
V10 went live on the persistent testnet after the successful simulated upgrade. For more information, see the testnet upgrade proposal or block explorer, and visit the persistent testnet documentation.\r
#### On-Chain Upgrade Process\r
This upgrade can be performed in multiple ways. When the network reaches the halt height, the state machine program of the Cosmos Hub will be halted. The classic method for upgrading requires all validators and node operators to manually substitute the existing state machine binary with the new binary. Alternatively node operators can use the Cosmovisor utility to swap the binaries automatically. Cosmovisor also includes the ability to download the binaries automatically before swapping them. Documentation on Cosmovisor can be found here. If you are interested in trying Cosmosvisor with a simulated local upgrade please see the local testnet documentation. Because it is an onchain upgrade process, the blockchain will be continued with all the accumulated history with continuous block height.\r
#### Potential Risk Factors\r
Although very extensive testing and simulation has taken place there always still exists a risk that the Cosmos Hub might experience problems due to potential bugs or errors from the new features. In the case of serious problems, validators should stop operating the network immediately. Cosmos Core Contributors will coordinate with validators in the  channel of the Cosmos Developer Discord to create and execute a contingency plan. Likely this will be an emergency release with fixes or the recommendation to consider the upgrade aborted and revert back to the previous release of gaia (v9.1.1).
