
Prop 88: Common Sense Setting: No Payment For Unsolicited Services

No Payment For Unsolicited Services

Discussion: https://commonwealth.im/evmos/discussion/7850-common-sense-setting-no-payment-for-unsolicited-services

Purpose: achieve moral independence from services that are not solicited by the chain.

Do not solicit retroactive payment for services/products from the Evmos Community Treasury if those services/products and payment amounts were not agreed upon, voted on, and passed through Evmos's governance process.

This is not precluding people from giving their services to the chain, without being paid (as a volunteer).


  1. Force majeure situations in which the service proposal cannot be done through a normal governance process (e.g. chain halt)
  2. Emergency situations (e.g. hack event)
  3. This proposal does not affect services solicited by the Evmos Foundation, or Tharsis, on behalf of the chain and promises made before the chain mainnet genesis.
  4. Unsolicited services rendered for the Evmos chain before this proposal, can be retroactively paid if a Community Treasury proposal is made before block 10000000.


Loredana Cirstea. Independent core contributor to Evmos and Ethermint and former volunteer. Detailed contributions for Evmos here.