
Prop 95: Retroactive Payment for Public Goods (Evmos Development for March 2022)

Retroactive Payment for Public Goods (Evmos Development for March 2022)

Discussion: https://commonwealth.im/evmos/discussion/8571-retroactive-payment-for-public-goods-evmos-development-for-march-2022

Since proposal 88 has been rejected, the volunteers for Tharsis and Evmos will have the opportunity to ask the Evmos chain for clarification of the status of their efforts.


The for-profit developers of Tharsis were paid by salary for their development work. Then Tharsis extracted tens of millions of dollars from the apparent value of the Evmos chain to pay themselves again.

The Laurel Project which volunteered for Tharsis for developing a good portion of the Evmos chain tech and some Ethermint coding will also ask the Evmos Community if their efforts will be accepted in perpetuity as volunteering or if they will be paid as retroactive public goods funding.

The Public Goods Created


    1. The proof that the output of the effort exists as a public good: the videos exist and are public on YouTube, and the code exists and is public.
    1. The proof that it is about the Evmos chain/tech: the code is used by Ethermint/Evmos.
    1. The proof that the effort is of the quality and quantity claimed: Federico Kunze signed the confirmations for the effort, as a comment on https://github.com/loredanacirstea/CV/issues/2. The exact text was:

I confirm and acknowledge the stated output. Thanks @loredanacirstea! 💯 Federico Kunze Küllmer - CEO Tharsis Labs / Co-Founder Evmos Fri, Mar 25, 2022, by @fedekunze

but he recently deleted that comment (he deleted all his public confirmations of my volunteering).

    1. The proof that this chain accepts claims for retroactive public goods is proposal 88.

Retroactive Payment

  • 359.5h * 255 EUR/h = 91,672.5 EUR
  • current price: 0.265110 EUR/ $EVMOS

Total: 345,790 $EVMOS

The Meaning of the Decision

    1. If this proposal passes: the Evmos chain pays retroactively for this public good.
    1. If this proposal does not pass: the Evmos chain recognizes in perpetuity this public good as a volunteering effort of The Laurel Project in the interest of the Evmos Community. (or is bound to produce counter-proofs to the ones above). The presented effort was made with the intent of being offered to the Evmos Community as a volunteer effort. The legitimate repayment for volunteer effort is the recognition of said effort.
    1. No with veto: the chain benefits from and uses this free, unpaid effort, but it has decided to punish the author of this effort, for requesting formal recognition of the volunteered effort.

Receiver Address



Loredana Cirstea, volunteer for The Laurel Project.