
Prop 394: Enable Superfluid Staking on OSMO/HUAHUA

  • By voting YES on this proposal, OSMO stakers voice their support in enabling Superfluid Staking on the OSMO/HUAHUA pool (#605) on Osmosis.

    - By voting NO on this proposal, OSMO stakers voice their dissent in enabling Superfluid Staking on the OSMO/HUAHUA pool (#605) on Osmosis.


    This proposal would enable Superfluid Staking in the OSMO/HUAHUA pool (#605). This pool is currently the 36rd largest OSMO pool on Osmosis by Total Value Locked containing around 148,000 OSMO
    At the current 50% discount rate, this allows a further ~70,000 OSMO to be used to secure the network through staking, in addition to the OSMO from the currently enabled pools.

    This proposal asks whether governance trusts in the stability and security of HUAHUA sufficiently to allow their tokens to have an influence on Osmosis governance as broadly discussed on this Commonwealth thread.

    The Chihuahua ecosystem is a collection of tools and decentralized applications (dApps) that work together to support a wide range of use cases in the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi). Built on a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, the Chihuahua ecosystem is designed to be fast, scalable, and secure, making it an ideal platform for building and using DeFi applications. The ecosystem includes a range of tools and dApps, as well as a governance mechanism that allows users to participate in decision-making and help shape the future of the network. Together, these elements make up the Chihuahua ecosystem, providing users with a seamless, decentralized experience.

    You cand find more info on our website