Odin CLI Cheatsheet

Chain ID: odin-mainnet-freya | Current Node Version: v0.11.0

Odin CLI Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet collects commonly used CLI commands for node operators to easily copy and paste. A few conventions we follow:

  • Capitalized words indicate placeholders
  • Always use our own Polkachu RPC endpoints
  • Always specify --chain-id and --node flags even when they are unnecessary
  • Query CLI command always uses --output json flag and pipes result through jq

Bank: Send

odind tx bank send KEY RECEIVER_ADDRESS 1000000loki \
  --chain-id odin-mainnet-freya \
  --node https://odin-rpc.polkachu.com:443 --fees 2500loki \
  --from KEY

Distribution: Withdraw Rewards including Commission

odind tx distribution withdraw-rewards VALIDATOR_OPERATOR \
  --commission \
  --chain-id odin-mainnet-freya \
  --node https://odin-rpc.polkachu.com:443 --fees 2500loki \
  --from KEY

Gov: Query Proposal

odind query gov proposal PROPOSAL_NUMBER \
  --chain-id odin-mainnet-freya \
  --node https://odin-rpc.polkachu.com:443 \
  --output json | jq

Gov: Vote

VOTE_OTION: yes, no, no_with_veto and abstain.

  --chain-id odin-mainnet-freya \
  --node https://odin-rpc.polkachu.com:443 --fees 2500loki \
  --from KEY

Slashing: Unjail

odind tx slashing unjail \
  --chain-id odin-mainnet-freya \
  --node https://odin-rpc.polkachu.com:443 --fees 2500loki \
  --from KEY

Staking: Create Validator

Note: We use example filed values instead of capitalized dummy words for demo purpose in this command. Please make sure to adjust accordingly for your use.

odind tx staking create-validator \
  --amount 1000000loki \
  --commission-max-change-rate "0.05" \
  --commission-max-rate "0.10" \
  --commission-rate "0.05" \
  --min-self-delegation "1" \
  --pubkey=$(odind tendermint show-validator) \
  --moniker 'polkachu.com' \
  --website "https://polkachu.com" \
  --identity "0A6AF02D1557E5B4" \
  --details "Polkachu is the trusted staking service provider for blockchain projects. 100% refund for downtime slash. Contact us at [email protected]" \
  --security-contact="[email protected]" \
  --chain-id odin-mainnet-freya \
  --node https://odin-rpc.polkachu.com:443 --fees 2500loki \
  --from KEY

If you have feedback or find errors in this cheatsheet, please let us know in our Discord Server. Thanks!